TATA Mark (Diclosulam 84% WDG)

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Tata Rallis
Sold by Cultree

₹ 640 - ₹ 2,950 /Pack
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A sysetmic pre emergence herbicide for the management of major weeds in soybean.

Technical Name: Diclosulam 84% WDG

Mode of Action: Sysetmic pre emergence herbicide.

Recommendation: A sysetmic pre emergence herbicide for the management of major weeds in soybean. It controls weeds before they emerge out of soil surface hence they do not cause any losses to the crop. Safe to soybean and key succeeding crops (wheat and bengal gram).

Crop and Targeted Weeds: 

  • Soybean: Cyperus spp, Commelina benghalensis, Euphorbia geniculata, Digera arvensis, Acalypha spp, Echinochloa colonum

Dosage: 12.4 gm/acre (Foliar spray)

Product Additional Information:

Country of Origin: India

Manufacturer: Rallis India Limited

Expiry: 2 years from Date of Manufacturing

 Maximum Retail Price (MRP):

- 12.4 gm: ₹868

- 12.4 x 2: ₹1736

- 12.4 x 5: ₹4340

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