Sumitomo Dantotsu (Clothianidin 50% WDG)

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₹ 840 - ₹ 1,610 /Pack
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Dantotsu is a broad spectrum Insecticide. It is easily absorbed through roots and has a good translaminar action. Compatible with most of the chemicals.

Control over many type of pests like mealy bug, jassid, aphid, white fly and termites in different crops like cotton grapes, sugarcane rice and tea crop.

Technical Name: Clothianidin 50% WDG

Mode of Action: Systemic insecticide

Recommendation: It is used to control mealy bug, jassid, aphid, white fly and termites in different crops like cotton grapes, sugarcane rice and tea crop.


- Spray: 8-16 gm/acre

- Drenching: 80-100 gm/acre

Mothod of Application: Spray, Soil drenching (Sugarcane and Cotton)

Duration of Effect: 15 Days

Product Additional Information:

Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd

Expiry: 2 Years from date of manufacturing

Maximum Retail Price (MRP):

 - 50 ml:  ₹518

 - 100 ml:  ₹1025

 - 250 ml:  ₹2525

 - 500 ml:  ₹4875

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