Sprint Fungicide is a mixture of fungicides belonging to Ethelene bis-dithiocarbamate and benzimidazole chemistry for the control of seed and early soil borne diseases of crops caused by Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, Imperfect fungi, and Oomycetes group of fungi.
Technical Content: Mancozeb 50% + Carbendazim 25% WS
Mode of Action: Broad spectrum contact and systemic fungicide
Recommendations: Broad spectrum fungicide specially formulated for the control of seed and early soil-borne diseases. Helps in early, uniform, and healthy germination. Improves the Seed germination and crop stand. Supplies ‘Mn’ and ‘Zn’ nutrition to the plants
Forms a uniform coating/layer around the seed surface and prevents fungal infection / kills the fungus.
Crops: Potato, Ground nut
Target Disease: Collar rot, Dry root rot, Tikka Black scurf, Late Blight
Dosage: 2.5 to 3 gm/lit. of water
Product Additional Information:
Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: Indofil Industries Limited
Expiry: 2 years from Date of Manufacturing