Hifield Lambrada - Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC Insecticide

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₹ 320 - ₹ 735 /Pack
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Effective broad spectrum insecticide. Controls pests like bollworm, jassid, stem borer, thrips, etc. Widely used for long duration control of the insects in various crops.

Technical Content: Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC

Mode of Action: Contact and stomach insecticide

Recommendations: Used to control of pests like bollworm, jassid, stem borer, thrips, etc. It is an artificial pyrethroid widely used for long duration control of the insects in crops.

Target Crops: Cotton, Rice, Brinjal, Tomato, Mango, Okra, Groundnut, Chickpea, Red gram, Onion, Chilli

Target Insects/Pests: Bollworms, Thrips, flea beetle, borers, stem borer, leaf folder.

Dosage: 1.0 to 1.5 ml/lit. of water 

Product Additional Information:
Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: Hifield-AG Chem India Pvt Ltd
Expiry: 2 years from Date of Manufacturing

 Maximum Retail Price (MRP):
250 ml: ₹350
- 500 ml:  ₹610
1 lit.: ₹1050

Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.

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