Coromandel Ajanta Super (Profenofos 40% EC + Cypermethrin 4% EC)

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₹ 260 - ₹ 820 /Pack
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Ajanta Super can be used for boll worms complex. It can be used for all types of field crops, vegetables and fruits.

Technical Name: Profenofos 40% EC + Cypermethrin 4% EC

Mode of Action: Contact and stomach action insecticide

Recommendation: Ajanta Super is a broad spectrum insecticide having contact and stomach action against bolloworm complex in cotton. The combined spectrum of activity covers all major pests in cotton and has a wide spectrum in other crops.

Dosage: 400 - 600 ml/acre

Product Additional Information:

Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: Coromandel International Limited
Expiry: 24 Months from the date of manufacturing

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