Bayer Vayego

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₹ 650 - ₹ 2,630 /Pack
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protection programs. Vayego has proven efficacy on key pests such as codling moth, light brown apple moth, oriental fruit moth, carpophilus beetle, garden weevil, Fuller’s rose weevil and apple weevil.

Technical Name: Tetraniliprole 200 g/l

Mode of Action: Contact and digestive systemic insecticide

Recommendations: Used to control pests on shallot, chili, corn, oil palm plantations and cabbage.

Crops and Targeted Pests:

  • Almonds: Carpophilus beetle
  • Macadamias: Macadamia seed weevil
  • Pome fruit: Codling moth, Light brown apple moth, Garden weevil, Fuller's rose weevil, Apple weevil
  • Stone fruit: Oriental fruit moth, Carpophilus beetle, Garden weevil, Fuller's rose weevil, Apple weevil, Mediterranean fruit fly

Dosage: 0.5 ml/lit. of water

Product Additional Information:
Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: Bayer CropScience Ltd.
Expiry: 2 Year from the date of manufacturing

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