Regent ultra is a fipronil based phenyl pyrazole insecticide, which is very effective for controlling stem borer and leaf folder in rice. It not only controls the pests effectively, but also provides plant growth enhancement effects like enhanced root growth and more number of productive tillers that result in higher yields.
Technical Name: Fipronil 0.6 GR
Mode of Action: Contact and stomatch Insecticide.
Recommendations: Effective for controlling stem borer and leaf folder in rice. Regent ultra can be used to any stage of the crop. However, in order to derive the maximum benefits, it should be used earliest possible when the pest is at the early instar stage.
Dosage: 4 kg/acre
Product Additional Information:
Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: Bayer CropScience Ltd.
Expiry: 2 years from the date of manufacturing