Carbomain is a systemic carbamate insecticide / nematicide, effective against a wide range of insects on all major agricultural crops.
Technical Name: Carbofuran 3% CG
Mode of Action: Systemic action insecticide
Recommendation: Used to control Brown plant hopper, Gallmidge, Stem borer, Green leaf hopper, Hispa, Nematodes, Aphid, Jassid, Shootfly, Stemborer, Podborer, White grub, Grey Stem weevil, Whitefly, Leafminer, Thrips, Top borer in different crops
Crops: Rice, Barley, Bajra, Sorghum, Jute, Groundnut, French Bean, Potato, Tomato, Apple, Citrus, Maize, Mustard, Soybean, Sugarcane, Bhendi, Chilli, Cabbage, Wheat, Brinjal, Banana, Peach, Mandarins, Pea, Tea
Product Additional Information:
Country of Origin: India
Manufacturer: ADAMA India Pvt Ltd
Expiry: 2 years from the date of manufacturing