Adama Barazide

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₹ 620 - ₹ 2,060 /Pack
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Barazide is an effective solution for the control a wide range of lepidopteran pests which can cause significant yield losses. It’s quick knock down effect controls the damage instantly and through it’s long duration of control, it helps in reduction in the cost of pest management.

Technical Name: Novaluron 5.25% + Emamectin 0.9% SC

Mode of Action: Barazide has a two way action.

  • It interferes with the neuromuscular process at the nerve-muscle junction causing permanent prevention of muscle contraction leading to Paralysis and death of insect.
  • It also affects the biochemical processes and act as chitin inhibitor inside the insect causing abortive moulting. Hence the insect cannot move to the next instar stage and finally dies

Targeted Pests: Diamond black moth, Fruit borer, Pod borer, Stemborer

Crops: Cabbage, Redgram, Chilli, Rice

Product Additional Information:

Country of Origin:



ADAMA India Pvt Ltd

Best Before/Expiry:

2 year / 24 Months after the date of manufacturing

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