BASF Odyssey (Imazethapyr 35% + Imazamox 35% WG)

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₹ 2,255 - ₹ 4,265 /Pack
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Post emergence selective  herbicide recommended for the control of grasses and broadleaved weeds in soybean.

Technical Name: Imazethapyr 35% + Imazamox 35% WG

Mode of Action: Post emergence, selective herbicide.

Recommendation: Used control on broadleaf weeds and grasses. It readily absorbed by roots and leaves and translocated through xylem and phloem. It inhibits the activities of Acetolactate synthase and provide broad spectrum weed control.

Targeted Weeds: Echinocloa spp, Euphorbia hirta, Digeria arabica,Commelina benghalensis,Digitaria sp, Brachiaria mutica, Colonum, Digira arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima, Brachiria Spp., Trianthema portulacastrum

Crops: Soyabean, Groundnut, Clusterbean, Redgram

Dosage: 40 gm/acre

Product Additional Information:

Country of Origin: India

Manufacturer: BASF India Ltd

Expiry: 2 Year from date of manufacturing

Maximum Retail Price (MRP):

 - 100 gm:  ₹3091

- 200 gm:  ₹5984